Hey Everyone!
How are things going? Things here are good. I have now been here for 6 weeks! Well the oldest district in our zone left early this morning so that means that our district is now the oldest. It's kind of weird to think that we're the oldest ones here now. Seems just yesterday I had my orange "dork" dot for being new. This past week President Hinckley's son Elder Richard Hinckley spoke to us at our devotional. He did a great job and gave us his own list of B's for missionary work. We are now fully into teaching in Spanish now. Yesterday we taught the First lesson again. I feel we did pretty good but again, it will be nothing like the real thing in a month or so. Well take care everyone! I think about you all alot! Thank you so much for the letters! They're awesome and help keep me going! Take care! Love, Elder Jaren Nelson