Hey everyone how are things going? Things are going great down here. Well I have now finished my 9th change in the mission. This week we put three baptismal dates down in our ward. (they are no longer called sectors in the mission. They are wards or branches.) Last night I found out that I am going back up to Ovalle! I will now be in Ovalle Sur. I am soooo excited! I will be with Elder Allen. He is from Oregon and has one change more than me. He was the other district leader when i was in Belloto. He is a cool kid. He actually played on the same basketball team as Kevin Love in high school. He went to Lake Oswego High.
Well family, I would like to extend a challenge, that you read the Book of Mormon either individually or as a family (or both) before me getting home in 9 ½ months. I know that through daily reading and studing the Book of Mormon we will be able to strenghten our testimonies of the Gospel. I really hope that you can accept this challange to strengthen your testimonies of the Book of Mormon. Know that I will be completing with another goal to be reading it multiple times before I go home. I hope you all have great experiences in reading. Let me know how things go. :) Take care everyone and talk to you next week.