Thursday, July 16, 2009

Mauro's Baptism

Monserat (5) the Bishop's little girl
Sunset in Chile
So this past week was a busy one haha. We had the baptism of Mauro on Saturday afternoon. There was a problem with the baptismal font though…the water heater broke and a lot of dirt rose up from the drain or something and the water was a dark greenish brown. Gross! We were worried that he wouldn’t want to do it but told us that it doesn’t matter what the water is, he just wants to get baptized. So that was pretty cool. When they went down into the water, Mauro started laughing at how cold it was. Everything worked out well and according to plan (except for the font).
The weather has been really nice and warm this past week with the exception of yesterday which was a little on the cold side. We are still teaching Erwin and Joselyn but they weren’t able to go to church yesterday. We watched the Restoration with them. Erwin understands and believes it all but for right now seems more curious than anything. He also has problems with the word of wisdom. He smokes, drinks coffee and tea, and drinks, but only drinks on social occasions.
I forgot to mention that last week during sacrament meeting, a big dog came walking into the chapel just trotting around. I had to do a double take. It was pretty funny.
I was able to do intercambios with Elder Watkins this past week. That was pretty fun and a nice break from the sector. We were doing mainly contacts as they have nobody to teach right now. We were able to get into a house of an older lady. Her daughter is a less active member and lives there as well as her three kids. Well the oldest daughter is 10. We taught her and turns out that she is going to be baptized on august 1st. She went to church yesterday and everything too. How awesome!
We are really busy looking for more people to teach. All of our investigators are hard to find during the week and for a lot of our lessons, we would show up to an empty house. That kind of stinks but its part of the mission I guess. Well thanks to those of you who wrote me. Things are going good down here. Take care and talk to you next week! Chao, Elder nelson