I think he looks like me as a kid only with dark hair and eyes....
the week has been really good. i have had a lot to do. i closed two houses in the notary this week for other elders in the zone. we had interviews with president Gillespie on wednesday which were pretty sweet. they gave us all special water bottles from a special donar. they filter the water, and we also got another filter. purified water for 2 years! woo hoo! On saturday and sunday, we went christmas caroling around to the members and investigators in our branch. there were a lot of members that came with us and on sunday we were able to do it by car to get some of the others that live a little further out of the way. it was a really nice experience. this coming week we have our christmas conference in la serena on wednesday and the ward christmas dinner that night. on thursday, we are going to a little childrens home to sing christmas carols and give out presents. tatiana and camila arent going to be getting baptized on christmas :( they have to work that day and camila still isnt ready....we do get to talk to the families though in the evening! yay. that will be fun. Well we had a good lesson with Alex and Maribel. We talked about the blessings that we get from marraige and eternal marraige. They want to progress but its kind of a slow process with them. mainly with the dad and the word of wisdom. he told us though that even though he has only read the first 11 pages of the Book of Mormon, he knows that it is true. that was a neat experience. It was probably one of my favorite lessons i have been in.
well hope all is well at home, have a great Christmas everyone! love ya feliz navidad, elder nelson
well hope all is well at home, have a great Christmas everyone! love ya feliz navidad, elder nelson