this week was a bit slower than last week. there werent that many things that happened. The gonzalez family is still sick and can't leave their house. We just hope that they dont lose the desire to listen to us afterwards. We are praying for them. Other than that, we are looking for people to teach. On Friday night, we had a ward talent show. It was a fun time. for the organization of missionary work, we did a skit. others sang songs, did skits, played an instrument, and other stuff. Well this is my first week of my last change in the mission. its weird to think that i am the oldest one in the mission now...its even more weird- even scary- to think what comes "next change". I will receive my change this evening. today we are going to play soccer with other missionaries in the zone.
Well I hope eveyone had a great weekend and a happy 4th of July. people in the ward here told me happy independence day. love you all. have a great one! chao-- Elder Jaren E. Nelson