Monday, November 24, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving! everyone! Things are going good down here in Ovalle. I cant believe that my first change is already over! It sure flew by. Only 15 more changes to go ;)
So I played the piano for the primary program yesterday in Sacrament meeting. It went well and the kids did really good. I thought it was going to be hard keeping them quiet and sitting still but they were really good. So Juan, the boy we baptized a couple weeks ago passed the Sacrament yesterday which was pretty cool. We found a family to teach this past week. I dont know if I told you about them already but we taught (did) a kid´s english homework for them one night so we went back and asked if we could share a message with them.
Another cool thing that happened was way back in the beginning of my stay here in Ovalle I went on splits with Elder Smith from another district and we taught this lady and she accepted a baptisimal date. She had me pray both times. Well my companion had to do the baptizimal interview so we went down there with Elder Smith and Villagra and she had me say the opening prayer again! She is getting baptized this weekend.
Well that is about all the excitement that has been going on. I guess I will tell you all where I am at next week but I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving! Eat some turkey for me and some ranch dressing too...(unheard of down here...) okay, love you all lots! Oh, happy Birthday Zach! Hope it was a good one. Thought about ya yesterday and how things are going. Hope all is well.

Love, Elder Jaren Nelson