Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Happy Groundhog's Day!

Hey everyone! Happy Groundhog´s day!
Things are going good down here in Ovalle still. As I say every week, and its still true, it sure gets hotter!
So our investigator Carla is progressing well and will probably be baptized on Valentine's day.
A member who lives in Santiago came back up to Ovalle this past week and will be here for another couple weeks. His name is Jonathon Farias. He served his mission in Paraguay 2004-2005. He has gone out with us almost everyday this past week. It is sweet to have a native come with us to give lessons. we were able to give 9 this week.
Today we are having a zone activity. We are going to a mexican restaurant called "El Relajo." It is sooo good and is a nice change from the chicken and rice we have been getting lately. Afterwards, we are going to the church and playing basketball and futball. For this, we get to wear regular "street clothes" all day until our district meetings this evening at 6. it is pretty nice walkin around in jeans and a t shirt for a change but still feels kinda weird at the same time...
Thanks to all those who wrote me this week. take care.
chao, elder nelson