hey good morning how are things going?
Well yesterday i hit my 22 month mark. Its really weird that I have the same time left that it takes to go through the MTC...9 weeks. Elder Saldivar and I get along really well and are enjoying our time together. Last night he got his first experience of strong Chilean rainstorms as it dumped on us for a good few hours. Luckily we were inside for the family home evening and were driven back home. even though we were outside for only a minute or so, we still got pretty wet. Today its a bit overcast and they are calling for more rain tomorrow but we will see.
things are going good here. Last night we had a neat experience. We planned a family home evening with our ward mission leader and another family that are members. They invited a family that lives in between them to come. Well by inviting them to the family home evening, they went to church in the morning and in the evening to the family home evening. they told us that they were looking for a change in their lives and loved it in the church. They felt really comfortable there and their kids liked it too. They have two daughters ages 15 and 9. The one that is 9 loved primary and the other was sick and didnt go. It truely is a blessing to have a family to teach here. I know that God does answer prayers and that there is a great special power in fasting. The Gonzalez family has been well taken in to the branch and it will be really fun watching them progress in the Gospel. We also received a reference from Villa Alemana where I was last change. It was for a 14 year old girl that wants to get baptized. Her name is Tatiana. We taught her and her mom on Saturday night.
We are pumping up the branch and trying to get them excited to share the Gospel with their friends, relatives, and neighbors. We are having family home evenings with the families of the branch. We try to have at least 3 or 4 planned each week. It has given us good results so far.
Earlier in the week we had interviews with President and Hermana Gillespie. President Gillespie told me about how important the ability to focus is. He told me a story about when Rush Limbaugh went golfing with Tiger Woods and was just amazed at how nervous he (Rush) was at playing with so many people watching him but on the other hand, watching Tiger just be able to close everything out and focus on the job at hand helped him to have the success that he wanted. We need to do that too in our lives at whatever thing we are focusing on. He told Elder Owen, a missionary that has the same time as me that we need to "Choose to be young again (in the mission)." That will give us the same fire that we need to keep going and finishing strong.
I was also able to go on intercambios with Elder Pleytéz, my zone leader from Honduras. He lives in the Tegucigalpa mission where Jonny Roberts served. We had a good day and were able to find a lady to teach that listened to the missionaries awhile ago. Her name is Lidia.
Well everyone have a great week! Love you all!