Negra, Pinta, Blanca and little Sarnita.
Hey family how are things going? This week went by really fast. On Friday, we had a mission conference in Villa Alemana for the zones in the interior of the mission. The interior zones are (starting with the zones closest to the ocean) Quilpué, El Belloto, Villa Alemana Oeste, Villa Alemana, Quillota. We talked about the efficiency of teaching and what we can do to better our skills as missionaries. Elder Rojas and I taught workshops on extending commitments and what to do when people say yes and accept the commitment and when they say no and dont accept the commitment. We also taught one on teaching with unity where we worked on teaching an effective lesson but switching off every minute in the teaching.
This week we started teaching someone named Leonardo. His girlfriend is an inactive member and they have two kids. We didnt know that they werent married but they told us on Thursday that they werent married after we taught them the Plan of Salvation. They asked us if that were a problem in being able to become an eternal family. We told them that a family has to start from somewhere to be able to grow and receive the blessings that God has waiting for us. They told us that they were going to go down the the Registro Civil to look at days to get married. This family was really shaken up by the earthquake. They were living in San Antonio, Chile at the time and were on the 3rd floor of an apartment builing when the earthquake hit. It made Leonardo and Ines (his girlfriend) really realize what was important in life, the family. Leonardo asked what he has to do to get baptized so that he can have an eternal family. They had all the intentions in the world to go to church yesterday but some problems came up and he had to go back to San Antonio for some stuff and then to work for the week. He said that he was going to come back every Sunday so that he could go to church and listen to us in the afternoon before having to go back. He really wants to apply the Gospel in his life which is really cool to see.
We also had a family home evening with the Rojas family in the ward. They invited a few of their neighbors to watch the Restoration. It went really well and the son, who is like 25 really is interested in the Restoration of the Gospel. We gave him a Book of Mormon and brother Rojas is going to talk with him to set up another appointment seeing that they work together.
Daniela and Thiare are going to be getting baptized on the 10th of April. There were a few problems with the Word of Wisdom but we are now working towards this new goal. We had stake conference yesterday and Daniela went and really enjoyed it.
Well that is basically what is going on here in Villa Alemana. My companion and I are now getting up early in the mornings to go running to the church and we play some basketball for a bit and then run back to the pension to get ready for the day. Its dark here now in the mornings but the church has lights outside for the basketball court! Woo hoo!!!! Haha
Well hope everyone had a great weekend and happy late birthday Grandma Erickson! Just so you know, i did remember and thought about you yesterday :)
Have a great week and enjoy the spring weather!
Elder Nelson
This week we started teaching someone named Leonardo. His girlfriend is an inactive member and they have two kids. We didnt know that they werent married but they told us on Thursday that they werent married after we taught them the Plan of Salvation. They asked us if that were a problem in being able to become an eternal family. We told them that a family has to start from somewhere to be able to grow and receive the blessings that God has waiting for us. They told us that they were going to go down the the Registro Civil to look at days to get married. This family was really shaken up by the earthquake. They were living in San Antonio, Chile at the time and were on the 3rd floor of an apartment builing when the earthquake hit. It made Leonardo and Ines (his girlfriend) really realize what was important in life, the family. Leonardo asked what he has to do to get baptized so that he can have an eternal family. They had all the intentions in the world to go to church yesterday but some problems came up and he had to go back to San Antonio for some stuff and then to work for the week. He said that he was going to come back every Sunday so that he could go to church and listen to us in the afternoon before having to go back. He really wants to apply the Gospel in his life which is really cool to see.
We also had a family home evening with the Rojas family in the ward. They invited a few of their neighbors to watch the Restoration. It went really well and the son, who is like 25 really is interested in the Restoration of the Gospel. We gave him a Book of Mormon and brother Rojas is going to talk with him to set up another appointment seeing that they work together.
Daniela and Thiare are going to be getting baptized on the 10th of April. There were a few problems with the Word of Wisdom but we are now working towards this new goal. We had stake conference yesterday and Daniela went and really enjoyed it.
Well that is basically what is going on here in Villa Alemana. My companion and I are now getting up early in the mornings to go running to the church and we play some basketball for a bit and then run back to the pension to get ready for the day. Its dark here now in the mornings but the church has lights outside for the basketball court! Woo hoo!!!! Haha
Well hope everyone had a great weekend and happy late birthday Grandma Erickson! Just so you know, i did remember and thought about you yesterday :)
Have a great week and enjoy the spring weather!
Elder Nelson