Monday, April 5, 2010

President Gerardo J. Wilhelm called to 2nd Quorm of the 70

hey everyone how are things going? this was a spiritual week for me. On wednesday, we had interviews with President Gillespie and Sister Gillespie. President talked to me about how i was feeling as my mission was coming to an end with only a couple changes left. It was weird to talk about it with him as it brought up a lot of mixed emotions but i always enjoy the time that we have to talk. He always teaches me something. On Friday, I had Zone Counsel in Viña. It was a great time and always a blast. This weekend was an excellent General Conference. One of the special moments was in the Saturday Afternoon session hearing that my old mission president, Gerardo J. Wilhelm, was called to be a general authority in the 2nd Quorum of the 70. Nobody in our little room of missionaries listening to the conference in english realized it but me. Out of the 6 american missionaries there, only one other missionary besides me was even here when President Wilhelm was here. Priesthood session got over at 11:00 pm becasue of the time difference haha. Daniela and Thiare were supposed to have their baptismal interviews yesterday but they didnt even show up to the conference. We will have to see what is going on with them this week. They still might be able to get baptized this weekend. It was a week full of sickness as i got sick with a cold and then my companion caught the same thing two days later. We are still getting over it but in 2 days or so it should all be over. :)
hey well hope all is well everyone. have a great week and talk to you next week. Oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDMA DOROTHY! Chaíto
Elder Nelson