Hey everyone things are going great here. We had a really week in terms of our investigators progressing. The Urrutia family came to church again and are enjoying what the church does. yesterday my companion and I each played the hymns in Sacrament meeting which was kind of funny the first time we switched. People didnt really know what was going on. We had 10 investigators going to church which was awesome.
On Friday we had a mission conference of the interior. The zones of Quillota, Villa Alemana, Villa Alemana Oeste, El Belloto, and Quilpue. We had members volunteer to be investigators and the other missionaries had to teach them; once, the Restoration, and the other time, the Plan of Salvation. It was a really good conference and President Gillespie talked about how important the Atonement is. He did a little presentation on it and was really powerful.
On Saturday, we had an activity with Carlos and Allen Urrutia. They wanted to play ping pong so we went over and played with them. It was really fun even though they were no match for gringo skills haha.
That is really all that has been going on here. We are focusing on that family and are finding others to teach. This one girl that Elder Reid and I found while we were on divisions last change came to church yesterday with her friend. At first she was just sitting in on the lesson to be polite but after listening to what we were teaching she started having questions and has answered a lot of her doubts. She loved it in church and wants to go back but doesnt know how she is going to do it because she teaches classes in the catholic church. We will see.
this week we should have a good week with our investigators. Elder Allenbach and I are preparing a duet to play in Sacrament meeting on the 16th of may. It is coming along pretty good. Well I hope all of you have a great week and to all you mothers out there,....HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!!! hope its a special one!
Elder Nelson
On Friday we had a mission conference of the interior. The zones of Quillota, Villa Alemana, Villa Alemana Oeste, El Belloto, and Quilpue. We had members volunteer to be investigators and the other missionaries had to teach them; once, the Restoration, and the other time, the Plan of Salvation. It was a really good conference and President Gillespie talked about how important the Atonement is. He did a little presentation on it and was really powerful.
On Saturday, we had an activity with Carlos and Allen Urrutia. They wanted to play ping pong so we went over and played with them. It was really fun even though they were no match for gringo skills haha.
That is really all that has been going on here. We are focusing on that family and are finding others to teach. This one girl that Elder Reid and I found while we were on divisions last change came to church yesterday with her friend. At first she was just sitting in on the lesson to be polite but after listening to what we were teaching she started having questions and has answered a lot of her doubts. She loved it in church and wants to go back but doesnt know how she is going to do it because she teaches classes in the catholic church. We will see.
this week we should have a good week with our investigators. Elder Allenbach and I are preparing a duet to play in Sacrament meeting on the 16th of may. It is coming along pretty good. Well I hope all of you have a great week and to all you mothers out there,....HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!!! hope its a special one!
Elder Nelson