hey family how are things going? i dont have much time at all today but thanks to those that wrote. so i am starting my 15th change this week. I will be going to the city of Quilpué. Its inbetween Viña and Villa Alemana. My new branch is called Los Aromos. Both Elder Tondevold and Elder Allenbach have been there. My new companion is Elder Saldivar i think is how its spelled. He is from Mexico and i relatively new in the mission. This past week we had a great mission conference in Quilpué. Elder Allenbach and I played our duet there and people loved it. All of the Urrutia family passed their baptismal interviews as well as Giovanni. I will be leaving the ward but am going to be here for the baptism on saturday. Well things are going great and this week should be really special. We are having a special mission conference with Elder Jay Jensen from the 70. The whole south is going to viña for it.
Last night we went by the Urrutia family to see how we were doing and they are so excited for their baptisms. They are participating in the ward activities and loving it. The mom, Aliette, told us last night thank you for everything. She said that we found them at the perfect time in their lives and that they have been truely blessed in their lives for knowing the gospel in their lives. They are really interested in the temple and want to go there some day to be sealed. It is moments like that one that make the mission what it is. The gospel truely changes the lives of people for the better.
Well i gotta get going. I love you all. Take care and have a great week.
Elder Nelson