hey how are things going? This week has been a busy one. We havent left our sector this week as we have had to do in the past few weeks. We had to go down to Viña for a special meeting with the stake president as we have stake conference this coming weekend. Elder Corbridge of the 70 is going to be there and we are going to be having a special meeting with all of the investigators, recent converts, and less active members in the stake. it should be a really neat experience. we are leaving the pension an hour early everyday this week delivering letters from the stake presidency describing the meetings and the invitation. we are to invite the spirit and read the letter with the family and investigators so that they will go to this meeting.
Leo is getting pretty excited for his baptism. Yesterday went by Leo's house to see how he was doing. he was still in bed and said that he was sick. He said that he was not doing good at all so my comp and i gave him a blessing. As we were getting ready to do that, the member noticed that his sheets were all wet. He had had some problems and so we took off our sweaters, jackets, and ties and got him to the bathroom and helped him shower and clean up. we got him all dressed and ready for bed. He really needs to get out of bed everyday so that he doesnt have these problems with his legs and feet. When we saw his feet his toenails were really long and overgrown. No wonder he was walking so slow. He was really grateful for our help. The member is going to help him go to the Doctor this week.
so that is kind of what has been going on this week. thanks to those that wrote me. it is good so to hear from you. sounds like things are going good back home. take care everyone.